Dr Anushtup De

Dr. Anushtup De

MBBS, DNB (Surgery), MRCS (Edinburgh) FIAS, FIAGES, FALS
General | Minimal access |Bariatric | Laser Surgery

Vacuum-Assisted Closure of a Wound (VAC Therapy)

Vacuum-assisted closure of a wound is a type of therapy to help wounds heal. It’s also known as wound VAC. During the treatment, a device decreases air pressure on the wound. This can help the wound heal more quickly.

The gases in the air around us put pressure on the surface of our bodies. A wound vacuum device removes this pressure over the area of the wound. This can help a wound heal in several ways. It can gently pull fluid from the wound over time. This can reduce swelling, and may help clean the wound and remove bacteria. A wound VAC also helps pull the edges of the wound together. And it may stimulate the growth of new tissue that helps the wound close.

A wound vacuum system has several parts. A foam or gauze dressing is put directly on the wound. An adhesive film covers and seals the dressing and wound. A drainage tube leads from under the adhesive film and connects to a portable vacuum pump. This pump removes air pressure over the wound. It may do this either constantly. Or it may do it in cycles.

The dressing is changed every 24 to 72 hours. During the therapy, you’ll need to carry the portable pump everywhere you go.


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1800 313 1414

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